
Latest details received of times of services for local church organisations. Contact numbers for more information are given below.

Jesus Christ
Christ the Light Giver
Detail from icon

Mary & Child
Mary and Child
Detail from icon

Adam naming the animals
Detail from icon

The Twelve Apostles
The Apostles
Detail from icon

'Not Made by Human Hands'
Detail from icon

Daniel in the Lions' Den
Detail from icon

Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity
Detail from icon

Mary & Child
Mary Enthroned
Detail from icon

Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden
Detail from icon

The Blessing
The Blessing of Christ
Detail from icon

The Archangel Michael
Detail from icon

Jonah and the Whale
Detail from icon

King David
King David
Detail from icon

Jesse Tree
Christ & the Jesse Tree
Detail from icon

The Creation & Expulsion
The Creation and The Expulsion from Eden
Detail from icon

Moses Receiving the Law
Detail from icon

The Burning Bush
The Burning Bush
Detail from icon

Christ Pantocrator
Christ Pantocrator
Detail from Sinai icon

Anglican Church of Australia

Bowral, St. Simon's & St. Jude's (Bendooley Street opp. Primary School)

Sunday services:

8.00am Holy Communion (Church)

9.45am An all-age contemporary service, with pre-school and K-6 Children's Church programs (Bowral Public School Hall)

10.00am Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays (Church)

10.00am Morning Prayer 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays (Church)

Rector: Rev. Stephen Fifer - Phone: 4857 4022 - email: stephen.fifer@bowralanglican.org.au

Temporary Office: 82 Bowral Street, Bowral - Phone: 4857 4021 - Fax: 4861 6448 - email: ofice@bowralanglican.org.au

website: www.bowralanglican.org.au

Bundanoon, Holy Trinity - Church Street.

Every Sunday - 9.00am, 5.30pm

Parish Service 5th Sundays - please phone for details

Rector: Rev. Jeremy Tonks 4883 6019

Burrawang, St. David's

1st Sunday - 8.00am

Rev. Barry Lee 4885 1210

Anglican Colo Vale Community Church - St. Paul's - Church Avenue

Part of Mittagong Region Anglican Church. Regular services are held at at St. Stephens, Mittagong.

Rev. Richard Mills. 4871 1947

Website: www.mittang.com.au

Exeter, St. Aidan's

Every Sunday - 9.30am Parish Service 5th Sundays - please phone for details

Rector: Rev. Jeremy Tonks 4883 6019

Fitzroy Falls, Emmanuel Church

1st & 3rd Sunday, 11.00am

Rev. Graham Fairbairn 4868 1052

Mittagong, St. Stephen's - Old Hume Highway.

Every Sunday:
8.00am - Traditional Anglican Holy Communion in Heritage Building

9.30am - Contemporary Service with Sundaykids in Auditorium

10.30am - Traditional service in Heritage Building

5.00pm - Youth and Young Adults Service in Auditorium

Rev. Richard Mills - phone 4871 1947

website: www.mittang.com.au

Mittagong, Community of St. Gabriel - Uniting Church, 4 Albert Street

First Saturday of every month, 11.00am - Eucharist & Healing Ministry

An outreach of the parish of Christ Church St. Laurence, George Street, Sydney

For more information contact Chris Styles - 4872 3003

website: www.ccsl.org.au

Moss Vale, Christ Church Bong Bong - Church Road.

2nd Sunday, 9.30am - Morning Prayer (BCP)

4th Sunday, 9.30am - Holy Communion (BCP)

Rev. Graham Fairbairn 4868 1052

Moss Vale, St. John's - Waite Street

Every Sunday
8.00am - Holy Communion

9.30am - Family Church/Sunday School/creche

5.00pm - Sunday at Five

Rev. Graham Fairbairn 4868 1052

Moss Vale, Tudor House Chapel - Illawarra Highway.

Every Sunday, 9.30am or 6.00pm during term

Phone 4868 1088 for details

Robertson, St. John's - Illawarra Highway

1st Sunday
9.30am - Family Service & Sunday School 7.00pm - Informal service

2nd Sunday
8.00am - Communion 9.30am - Family Service & Sunday School

3rd Sunday
9.30am - Family Service & Sunday School

7.00pm - Informal service

4th Sunday
8.00am - Morning Prayer

9.30am - Family Service & Sunday School

Rev. Barry Lee 4885 1210

Sutton Forest, All Saint's - Illawarra Highway.

1st & 3rd Sunday - 11.00am 2nd & 4th Sunday - 2.30pm Parish Service 5th Sundays - please phone for details

Rector: Rev. Jeremy Tonks 4883 6019

Tallong, St. Stephen's

1st & 3rd Sunday - 1.30pm 2nd & 4th Sunday - 10.00am Parish Service 5th Sundays - please phone for details

Rector: Rev. Jeremy Tonks 4883 6019


Wingecarribee Baha'i Community

Wingecarribee Baha'i Community is the Southern Highlands branch of the Baha'i Faith. Its world centre is in Israel on Mt Carmel. There are at present over 5 million Baha'is worldwide.

The local Baha'i community is diverse and enjoys 'unity in diversity'. It promotes awareness that, in the words of the Founder, "The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens."

Local activities include Study Circle courses, Scripture Classes (at primary schools), Devotionals, and Information Nights. All these are open to the public. Children's Education Classes are also organised in neighbourhoods.

Baha'i Information Nights are held on the 4th Friday of each month beginning at 6pm with a welcoming dinner. Contact us for details:

Phone: (02) 4872 1893

Email: wingecarribee@bahai.org.au

Website: www.bahai.org.au

Baptist Church

Bowral - 13 Merrigang St.

Every Sunday
10.00am, and 10.15am CFK (Church for Kids) during service

6.00pm - Evening fellowship

Minister: Haldane Rowan 4861 5510

Mittagong - Highlands Baptist Church - 256 Old Hume Hwy, Welby 2575

Every Sunday - 10.30am, 6.00pm

Pastor: Eric Coulter 4872 1284

Moss Vale Community Baptist Church - M.V. High School Hall, Young Rd.

Every Sunday - 10.00am (Sunday School during service)

Enquiries: 4869 4115

Bethesda Ministries International
Highlands Christian Church, Mittagong - 37 Regent Street

Services: 10.00am Sundays

Phone: 4871 1683, Fax: 4872-2799

email: hcc@bmi.org.au

Christian Centre - Cnr. Spring & Railway Streets, Moss Vale

Services: 10.00am, Sundays

Phone: 4869 3102 email: info@christiancentre.com.au

website: www.christiancentre.com.au

Pastors: Joshua & Carolyn Miller

Catholic Church
Berrima, St. Francis Xavier - Oldbury Street.

1st Sunday, 11.00am - Mass

Fr. Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE: 4868 1931 - email: mossvale@parish.woll.catholic.org.au

website: www.parish.woll.catholic.org.au/home/mvale

Bowral, St. Thomas Aquinas - 2 Bendooley St. Bowral

Tuesday, Friday 8.00am - Mass

Saturday, 9.00am Mass; 9.30am Reconciliation

Sunday, 9.00am, 6.00pm - Mass

Parish Priest, Fr. Sean Cullen: 4861 1902 - email: bowral@parish.woll.catholic.org.au

Bundanoon, St. Brigid's - Hill Street.

2nd & 4th Sunday, 8.00am - Mass

1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday, 5.00pm - Mass

Reconciliation after 5.00pm Mass 1st Sunday

Fr. Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE: 4868 1931 - email: mossvale@parish.woll.catholic.org.au

website: www.parish.woll.catholic.org.au/home/mvale

Burrawang, St Peter's - Church Street.

1st , 3rd, 5th Sunday, 8.00am - Mass

2nd & 4th Sunday, 5.00pm - Mass

Reconciliation after 5.00pm Mass 2nd Sunday

Fr. Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE: 4868 1931 - email: mossvale@parish.woll.catholic.org.au

website: www.parish.woll.catholic.org.au/home/mvale

Mittagong, St. Michael's - Albert Street, Mittagong

Monday, Thursday, Friday - 8.00am - Mass

Tuesday, 7.00pm - Mass

Wednesday, 9.30am - Mass

Saturday, 4.45pm & 5.25pm - Reconciliation; 5.30pm - Vigil Mass

Sunday, 8.00am, 9.30am - Mass

1st Friday each month, 11.00am - Mass, Abbey Nursing Home

Asst. Priest Fr. Anthony McCarthy: 4871 1814

Moss Vale, St. Paul's - 24 Garrett Street

Monday to Friday - 8.00am, Mass

Wednesday - Novena (following Mass)

Friday - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (following Mass)

Saturday, 6.00pm, Vigil; Sunday, 9.30am - Mass

Reconciliation 5.00 - 5.30pm Saturday; before all weekday masses.

St. Paul's International College - Saturday 8.00am. Mass

Fr. Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE: 4868 1931 - email: mossvale@parish.woll.catholic.org.au

website: www.parish.woll.catholic.org.au/home/mvale

Christian City Church Bowral

Bowral - 1st floor, 347 Bong Bong St.

For more information see the website: www.cccbowral.org.au

Contact Nick & Jackie Losurdo: 4861 7460

Church of Christ

Bowral - 56 Wingecarribee St.

Every Sunday, 10.00am - Morning Service/Junior Church

Enquiries: 4861 1865

Find Church photos, Church events, news, resources and links on our website: http://bcofc.tripod.com

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


Every Sunday, 9.30am - Sacrament Reading; 10.45am - Sunday School; 11.40am - priesthood meeting/Relief Society/Primary.

Pres. Forbes Roberts: 4872 1212

1st Church of Christ Scientist

Bowral - Bendooley Street

Phone 4861 1431 for more information.

Hilltop Interdenominational Church

Every Sunday, 9.00am Sunday School; 10.30am - Service

(Bus available for children).

Jehovah's Witnesses

Fitzroy Falls 4887 7274 Moss Vale 4868 2197

Order of St. Paul the First Hermit (Catholic Monastery)

Penrose Park, Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy (Pauline Fathers)

Daily Mass at 11am; Sunday Mass (English) 9.00am Nov - May, (Polish) 10.00am

Fr. Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE, 4878 9192; email: paulinefathers@bigpond.com.au

website: www.paulinefathers.org.au

Presbyterian Church of Australia

Bowral, St. Andrew's - Bendooley St.

Every Sunday, Family Service (inc. Kid's Church) 9.00am. Bible Study & Prayer Groups run during the week.

Rev. Ian Brunton

Office: PO Box 202 Bowral 2576 - Phone: 4862 4418 - email: minister@mvpressie.org.au


Mittagong, St. Paul's - Cnr. Alice & Edward Sts.

Every Sunday, 9.00am

Phone: 4872 4052 - Fax: 4872 4053 - email: presbomi@hinet.net.au

Moss Vale - 7 Browley St.

Every Sunday, Family Service (inc. Kid's Church) 11.00am. Bible Study & Prayer Groups run during the week.

Rev. Ian Brunton

Office: P.O. Box 723 Moss Vale 2577 - Phone 4869 4795 - email: minister@mvpressie.org.au


Salvation Army

Bowral - 10 Bundaroo St.

Every Sunday, 10.30am - Family Meeting; 5.00pm - Praise Meeting

Lt. Ros Blackman: 4861 3912 - Fax: 4861 6725

Southern Highlands Foursquare Church

Mittagong - Rainbow Road

Every Sunday, 9.30am - Service

Pastor Vic Bennett: 4871 3290

Southlands Christian Church Inc.
Moss Vale - Shop 4 & 5 Moss Vale Shopping Centre, Willow Drive

Sunday:10.00am to 11.30am, Family Service including Children's Program, Crêche & Primary Groups; 7.00pm Night Service

Tuesday: 10.00am - Southlands Women Meeting; 10.00am to 12.00noon

Wednesday: Life Group Fellowship 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Sisterhood: monthly, as scheduled

Friday: 7.00pm to 9.00pm - Youth Group "DRIVE"

Southlands Community Care & Op-Shop: 0425 209 505

Pastors Chris Watling and Donna Jensen: Phone/Fax:4862 5424

Sunnataram Forest Monastery (Buddhist)


For information phone 4884 4262

Transport for Christ

Mittagong - Mittagong Community Church, Rainbow Rd. & Brewster St.

Friday, 6.00pm - Prayer Time

Sunday, 8.00am - Service

Chaplain John Wheeler: 4871 2683 or 0418 484 667

Uniting Church in Australia

Bowral - Bendooley Street.

Every Sunday 9.00am and 6.00pm.

Rev. Michael Earl - Phone: 0428 621 350

Office: P.O. Box 528 Bowral NSW 2576 - Phone: 4862 1350 - email: bkuc@bigpond.com

website: www.bowral.unitingchurch.org.au


1st Sunday, 11.00am - Service

Contact: 4862 1470

Mittagong - 4 Albert Street.

Every Sunday, 10.00am - Service. Third Wednesday 10.00am - Service of Prayers for wholeness and health.

Office: P.O. Box 840 Mittagong 2575 - Phone: 4872 4101

Moss Vale - 568 Argyle Street

Every Sunday, 9.00am - Service

Office: P.O Box 253 Moss Vale 2577 - Phone: 4868 2890 - Fax: 4869 5010 - email: admin@mossvale.unitingchurch.org.au

website: www.mossvale.unitingchurch.org.au

Last updated 7/4/16